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Steps To Obtain A Real Estate Salesperson's License

1. Read the entire PSI Candidate Information Bulletin.

2. When you have successfully completed both Real Estate Fundamentals and Real Estate Practice, you may register to complete the State Exam.

3. Complete the Exam Registration Form in the PSI Candidate Information Bulletin. Send the registration form, along with your original transcripts from both courses, and your payment in the form of money order, cashier's check, Visa or Mastercard, to the Las Vegas address on the form.

4. Wait a week or two and then contact PSI to schedule your exam appointment.

5. Complete a Criminal History Report. You may obtain this report from the PA State Police website at https://epatch.state.pa.us/Home.jsp.

6. Upon passing the State Exam, you are eligible to apply for a Real Estate Salesperson's license. You must be affiliated with a licensed real estate firm. Send the Salesperson Initial License Application, along with the pass notice from the State Exam, copies of your Fundamentals and Practice transcripts, your Criminal History Report, and payment of the appropriate fees, to the Real Estate Commission. The address will be on the top of the application.


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